"Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds"

Welcome to the second part of our page!
Feel free to look around!

Before you interact

Before you interact, please be aware:We are an OSDD-1b system, we are prone to dissociation and may act 'strange' or 'distant' sometimes.Talking to people can be very anxiety-inducing for us, so if we seem uncomfortable or nervous around you, it's not your fault!We like talking about our special interests and may struggle with small talk or topics other than our special interests.We need tone tags, especially for jokes which could be seen as mean and/or making fun of us/our interests.Feel free to ask us questions about being a system, but be aware we can't speak for every system, so we can only speak about our own experiences.

"For you are beloved by the goddess"

This is a page dedicated to Tim, our wonderful boyfriend!Our beloved angel, you are the gift of the Goddess. You are a blessing upon this world, the embodiment of beauty.
Every day our admiration of you grows, every night we long to dream of you.
Please, continue to bless this world with your existence forevermore.
No matter how cruel the fates may be, hopefully they shall never part us.
We love you, handsome one-winged angel.

Extra Info

These are extra facts about us!Our host (Asher) kins a lot of characters (here's his kin list!), and is partially an introject of some of those characters.We are always willing to give music recommendations if you want something new to listen to!If we say something which upsets/offends you, please let us know! We don't want to make people uncomfortable, and we will listen if you need us to censor something or change the topic.